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Latest reports
Reports from our research team analysing perceptions of Australian leadership and how our leading institutions are performing.

The Civic Health Of Australia: A National Portrait In 30 Charts
The civic health of Australia is being hurt by unethical conduct and irresponsible leadership, with our latest report showing that more work needed to improve social cohesion in the community.

For The Greater Good Of All? How Australians View The Integrity Competence and Contribution Of Federal Government
Federal government leadership is performing poorly on the drivers of leadership for the greater good: integrity, contribution and competence.

Leadership In The Charity Sector
Our report highlights how the public views the leadership of Australian charities and the opportunities for charity sector leaders in 2023.

Pre-Election Pulse Check – An Analysis Of Victorian State Government Leadership
Public perceptions of Victorian state government leadership has fluctuated markedly, responding to some extraordinary recent events.
Leadership for the greater good: A national conversation about leadership in Australia
After a reversal of trends in 2020, which saw an improvement in perceptions of leadership, leadership perceptions declined throughout 2021.
2020 Australian Leadership Index Annual Report
In 2020, COVID-19 created a strong focus on leadership, placing increasing pressure on leaders to make decisions for the public interest, particularly at federal and state government level.
Leadership Through the First Wave of COVID-19
In the space of eight short weeks, the threat posed by COVID-19 and the sudden absence of partisanship from the political landscape ushered in a focus on leadership for the greater good, the likes of which we have not seen for years. Australians were surveyed between March 17 and May 6 to measure perceptions of leadership for the greater good during the first wave of the COVID-19 crisis.
2019 Australian Leadership Index Annual Report
Overall, our 2019 annual report findings show a significant gap between public perceptions and expectations across all indicators of leadership for the greater good across government, public, private and not for profit sectors. Australian institutions are not living up to the expectations of the general public.
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